A Legacy of Excellence
Since 1945
On August 4, 1945, 17 Peninsula Kappas proudly accepted their charter from Province Polemarch W. Henry Green, and Laurel Wreath holder Judge Armond W. Scott. The Hampton Alumni Chapter would become only the second chapter to be chartered in Tidewater.
For much of its history the chapter held its meetings in Newport News, VA, and the chapter’s membership was consistently comprised of Kappa men from both Hampton and Newport News. In light of this, in the late 1970s, the chapter petitioned the Grand Board to alter its designation to “Hampton-Newport News.” The new designation would be more in line with the chapter’s demographic makeup and would ensure a unified Kappa presence on the Peninsula. The petition was approved in September 1979.
From its inception, the chapter had an immediate impact on the Peninsula. Its annual scholarship and recognition program for high school students quickly became a beau ideal, and its annual Easter Dawn Dance became an entry on the social calendar of most professionals of color on the Peninsula. The brothers were also helpful with the establishment of a chapter at Hampton Institute in 1947. In 1972, the chapter planned and hosted the first joint Virginia Chapters Founders Day Celebration. During this Celebration, the famed Hampton Alumni Chorale performed in public for the first time. The Chorale was the first alumni chorale of the Province.
On May 15, 1974, the chapter established the first Kappa League in the Province by inducting 19 male high school students into the Peninsula Chapter of the Kappa Instructional Leadership League. The close proximity of the chapter to three military installations - Fort Monroe, Fort Eustis and Langley Air Force Base - enables it to serve as a Fraternity training ground for military officers assigned to these installations. Many of these brothers take the experiences learned at the Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter to other chapters, including the Germany Alumni Chapter and the Korea Alumni Chapter.
The chapter’s history has been replete with organizational and individual achievement. From its infancy to the present time, it has remained fervently true to the creed and objectives of Kappa Alpha Psi, and has worked to promote the welfare of humanity.
Charter Members:
Herodotus Alston
Q. J. Adderly
Hiram Akers
Robert Boyd,
Earl Foster
Arthur Hamlett
Stanley Land
Wendell Robbins
Churchill Robinson
Anderson Scott
W. D. Scales
Frederick C. Scott
Paul L. D. Smith
Edward D. Thomas
William R. Walker, Jr.
Stuart L. Whiting
Charles C. Wilson
Grand Chapter Officers and Committee Assignments:
Dr. James B. Abram, Jr., Grand Board of Directors (1979-1983)
Dr. James B. Abram, Jr., Sr. grand Vice Polemarch (1983-1985)
Dr. James B. Abram, Jr., Grand Chapter National Guide Right Director
Dr. James B. Abram, Jr. Member, Grand Chapter Committee to Revise Initiatory Ceremony
Arthur M. Price, Jr. Co-Chair, Grand Chapter National Music Committee (1995-2003)
Arthur M. Price, Jr. Member, Grand Chapter National Guide Right Committee
Arthur M. Price, Jr. Member, Grand Chapter Committee to Revise Initiatory Ceremony
William N. Pinckney, Grand Chapter National Silhouette Liaison
Reginald L. Bowens, Eastern Province Representative & Member - Grand Chapter Constitution and Statues Committee
Eastern Province Officers and Committee Assignments
Thomas Hawkins, Province Board of Directors (1963-64)
Ross M. Hines, Sr. Vice Province Polemarch (1968-75)
James B. Abram, Jr. Province Board of Directors (1971-75)
James B. Abram, Jr. Province Polemarch (1975-79)
Arthur M. Price, Jr. Province Asst. Keeper of Records (1975-79)
Augustus L. Owens, Province Board of Directors (1984-86)
Norris E. Lamb, Province Board of Directors (1987-89)
Arthur M Price, Jr. Province Board of Directors, Region V (1997-2002)
William N. Pinckney, Province Board of Directors, Region V
Kenneth Madison, Province Board of Directors, Region V
Arthur M. Price, Jr., Eastern Province Delegate to the 64th Grand Chapter Meeting, Detroit. MI 1982
Arthur M. Price, Jr. Eastern Province Kappa League Coordinator
Reginald L. Bowens, Chairman, By-Laws Committee
Grand Chapter Awards
Dr. James B. Abram, Jr., 55th Elder W. Diggs Awardee
Eastern Province Awards
Curtis J. Johnson, Province Polemarch’s Meritorious Service Award
Curtis J. Johnson, Pillar of the Province Award
Arthur M. Price, Jr. Province Polemarch’s Meritorious Service Award (1998)
Thomas W. Selden, Province Polemarch’s Meritorious Service Award
William N. Pinckney, Province Polemarch’s Meritorious Service Award
Arthur M. Price, Jr. Bert V. Watkins Guide Right Director of the Year (2011)
Arthur M. Price, Jr., Pillar of the Province Award (2012)
Reginald L. Bowens, Province Polemarch's Service Award
Chapter Officers
Melvin Porter
Reginald Stanley
Keeper of Records
Gerald Bell
Assistant Keeper
of the Exchequer
Arthur Price
Historian / Reporter
Marese Wright
1st Vice Polemarch
Keeper of Exchequer
Travis Rivers
Charles birdsong
2nd Vice Polemarch
Chuck Brooks
Assistant Keeper of Records
Lieutenant Strategus
Board of Directors
Darrin Wills
Board Member
Jerry Little
Board Member
Charles Boaz Jr
Board Member
Board Member
Brother of the Year
2022 BOTY
Joshua Rolon
2023 BOTY